rootburn: Too much of a good thing?

rootburn: Too much of a good thing? It is an interesting thought that has crossed my mind as well, and not only in as far as music is concerned. I am fiddling with an idea to replace my Palm IIIx with something newer. I have a feeling I never will — I get frustrated that … Read more

More on Namazu

I’ve gotten around to playing with Namazu today. Unfortunately, after running mknmz(1) any querying with namazu query I got no results for known-good strings. I’ve then decided to rebuild the whole thing and realized that I’ve slightly oversimplified (and overcomplicated) the patching I applied. This time I have done a bit better job at tracking … Read more

Russia vs. Chechnya

I found this commentary on the Russia vs. Chechnya on Metafliter quite interesting, and very close to what I feel about the situation. Notice that as a Russian I can hardly be objective — it is hard to be objective when a car bomb explodes a few blocks from where one lives. Rage can easily … Read more

Yet another liar, though, I guess, everyone who cared knew that already… WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on Monday he knew of no “strong, hard evidence” linking Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and al Qaeda, despite describing extensive contacts between the two before the Iraq invasion. [Reuters: Top News]

This is

A word about It is a great bookmarker/web inbox in GTD sense. It also is a very interesting social tool, do check out — a list of most popular links of the last 24 hours. With enough social mass behind it this would comprise a very interesting list to watch. Also available in … Read more

David S. Bennahum: Abolishing the Electoral College

David S. Bennahum: Abolishing the Electoral College David Bennahum explains the black magic behind electoral college in US. The “most democratic” country of all does not really have direct and fair presidential elections, but does like to rub other countries’ noses whenever they like… BTW, on top of what he points out as a very … Read more

Namazu: a Full-Text Search Engine

Namazu: a Full-Text Search Engine Found this one by way of an article on Slashdot. Tried to compile it under Cygwin, but failed. After digging a little bit around, force converting ^M’s to proper UNIX line endings with sed -i ‘s/^M$//g’ (that’s Ctrl-V, Ctrl-M to get an ^M) in a few files, and finally manually … Read more

GnuCash & Mac OS X

While I am still working on a “feature story” of MacOS X accounting packages, this is a resource for those desiring to setup GnuCash on a Mac. This approach uses Fink. I personally prefer DarwinPorts, but so far there’s no GnuCash port there. It should, however, be possible (albeit not as trivial) to compile GnuCash … Read more

Olimpic games

I can’t call myself a very big fan of any particular sport. I am not going crazy over football (soccer) WorldCup or hockey World Champinoships, although I do enjoy to watch a good game or two. Naturally, when Russia is playing, and game promises to be an interesting one — I’m all for watching it … Read more