
GlimmerBlocker is a great tool for Mac OS X user to stop the ad banner craze. Comes with a sensible ruleset by default. To expand on it an fit my needs of browsing Russian web sites I have created a small filter feed available here:

Microsoft retail push

SAN FRANCISCO -(Dow Jones)- Microsoft Corp’s (MSFT) decision to launch a retail push for the first time suggests the company is hoping the success of smaller rival, Apple Inc. (AAPL), in reaching consumers, may rub off on the larger company. Looks like Zune has not taught them a thing.

Blogging on an iPhone

One of the first apps I wanted to get on an iPhone was one to let me post into my blog. And the first one I have installed and took for the spin was BlogWriter. It is a decent application but I have very soon discovered that it is too basic. This may be a … Read more


There’s something charming in a good non-Disney sense of a word about being in Vienna. Measured, balanced living. Beautiful streets with lots of green (or as the case was for me this time — covered in gold, red and brown colors of fall), buildings that each looks like it has just stepped down from the … Read more

iPhone me

I have not held myself back for too long after the official launch of iPhone in Russia. No more than a few days, in fact. As I promised to myself, I went to a shop and played with the 3G model for 15-20 minutes. The plan was either that, or Nokia E71. I liked my … Read more

Fixing iPod/iPhone/AppleTV syncing issue for iPhoto albums

If you ever come across a situation when iTunes refuses to sync your iPhoto library to your iPod, iPhone or AppleTV, and a very important symptom is that you cannot choose “Selected Albums” option in iTunes syncing preferences, chances are you have an issue inside the AlbumData.xml file within the iPhoto Library. Luckily, the fix … Read more