Windows PowerShell overkill

Sometimes OO paradigm is an overhead, not a savior. Especially when it comes to simple manipulations such that are typical to shell scripting tasks. I mean, what appears more to the point and is faster to implement? This: ipconfig | findstr “Address” Or this: ifconfig | grep “Address” The latter is more flexible, you can … Read more

Leopard — a very personal view

Not that it matters, but: I like new Dock. It’s more or less always hidden, hence it’s reflections are lost on me, the small dot looks more or less the same (so far) as the black one. Transparent menu bar — very much the same, I use a solid color background and end up nearly … Read more

Things that Apple is *really* good at

There were numerous referenced posted on a variety of social bookmarking sites about smart hackers going for a re-implementation of this or that feature of Apple’s latest Leopard release of Mac OS X. And this is über cool that you can now hack your N800 to scroll like iPhone or to show a keyboard just … Read more

WIndows XP on OLPC??

Picked up over at Reddit, MSFT is really trying to compete with OLPC: Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) has made progress in getting its Windows software to work on a low-cost laptop computer for poor children that currently runs on rival Linux software, an executive said on Thursday. And I find it preposterous. And they’re getting it … Read more

C-fonts from Microsoft

There’s an article over at Slashdot referencing a blog post at hunlock about new Microsoft “core” fonts. The post is a bit dated, from April this year, but /. has just picked it up. I saw a link to hunlock back in April, most certainly over at Reddit. I have tried and installed the C-fonts … Read more


There’re many versions of GNU Emacs to choose from when it comes to MacOS. There’s a standard console-only Emacs that comes with the system. There’s Carbon Emacs that (as the name implies) uses Carbon libs. There’s an Aquamacs — again, the name is telling. But what I found to be a very nice addition to … Read more

XML::Simple oversimplification

Perl’s XML::Simple module is an easy way to get your application to talk some basic XML. it uses expat to parse data, so there the leverage is good. But where things tend to go awry is with consistency of reading and writing back. Example Let us take the following sample XML document: <data> <survey key=”123″> … Read more

iNewton or iPad next year?

There are more rumors around the net about a possibility that Apple will introduce a “new Newton.” This bides well with what I mentioned in my post on iPod Touch being “origami Mac”. Mike Elgan’s article in Computerworld is very interesting in that respect. Events in the past 30 days lead me to conclude something … Read more