Trust the unconscious self

An interesting point at “sleeping on it” or the way we put it in Russian — “утро вечера мудренее”. The research suggests the conscious mind should be trusted only with simple decisions, such as selecting a brand of oven glove. Sleeping on a big decision, such as buying a car or house, is more likely … Read more

Quicken 2005 for Mac

I wrote before about my little pet project that is not really going anywhere — a moderately sophisticated personal accounting package for MacOS X. I am well aware of such apps as LiquidLedger, CashBox, Conto (btw, if you are really new to this and just want to get a feel for keeping your hands on … Read more

Helvetica Neue Condensed in Safari

The theme of this blog right now uses Helvetica Neue Condensed in heading elements, yet rendering of this font on a Mac is very much different between Safari, Opera and Mozilla-based browsers, see for yourself: Safari Camino Opera Not sure why Safari does not render condensed font correctly and no info seemed to be anywhere….

Changing Blogger theme

As I am working on an update to Ceesaxp.Org, I have decided to change the theme used here at Blogger. I’ve gone for JellyFish. It is relatively light, although a bit large or my taste. I might tweak it a little, or I might change it around entirely to suit the main site’s theme better.

Serenity Went to see the movie last night — was not too bad, in fact might well be one of the better sci-fi movies I got to see in the last few months (that after a total dissatisfaction from watching The Revenge of a Sith). It’s also sort of nice to see a movie that … Read more

Fall Impressions

bfly Originally uploaded by ceesaxp. I suppose this may sound a bit lame and romantic-silly — but I can’t help but feel so amazed that the fall this year here in Moscow is just spectacular. In fact, I can’t remember the last time it was so good — all of September and most of October … Read more