He just nails it

This writing was on the wall for a looooong time, ever since Apple vs. Sun feud about Java. … it is pretty easy to see why supporting other runtimes is ceding a lot of control to a 3rd party. Imagine if 10% of the apps on iPhone came from Flash. If that was the case, … Read more

Nexus One, iPhone, Flash

One thing I thought was a great thing about iPhone was the fact that it does not support Flash. Sure, you end up not being able to access a site or two—nothing to shed tears about. But most importantly so much of the content was moving off the flashy crap and onto H.264 and such. … Read more

Apple event on 26 Jan

So, everybody and their uncle are predicting the tablet. Seems like a good bet indeed. But I am sure that it won’t be (at least in some important aspects) what all are expecting. I wager that tablet will be centered around media management for your home media library (extending and expanding lethargic AppleTV) and aiming … Read more