PostgreSQL on MacOS X

There are quite a few resources available on the ’Net about compilation and setup of PostgreSQL on a Mac OS X. This O’Reily article, and this one from Apple just to name a few.

For me, where both these articles are falling short is in describing how to set Postgres to start automatically when I boot my Mac. Interestingly, I had to read an article about Oracle on a Mac to see how this can be done for Postgres.

Naturally, it is very simple. As long as you followed all the instructions in either of above 2 articles (I opted for installing Postgres and dependencies out of Darwinports, as I am a bit repelled by Fink), all you need to do is:

  1. Create a directory /Library/StartupItems/Postgres
  2. Create 2 files in that directory: Postgres and StartupParameters.plist. Note that a startup script must be called the same as a directory!
  3. chmod(1) above files sensibly (700 is a good option) and chown(1) them to be owned by root:wheel.
  4. Put the following into the Postgres startup script:
    # For postmaster startup options, edit $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
    # Note that PGDATA is set in ~${PGUSER}/.profile, don't try to manipulate it here!
    . /etc/rc.common
    StartService ()
        if [ -x ${PGBIN}/pg_ctl ]; then
            ConsoleMessage "Starting PostgreSQL"
            su -l ${PGUSER} -c "[ -d ${PGDATA} ] && exec ${PREFIX}/bin/pg_ctl start -s -w"
    StopService ()
        if [ -x ${PGBIN}/pg_ctl ]; then
            ConsoleMessage "Stopping PostgreSQL"
            su -l ${PGUSER} -c "exec ${PREFIX}/bin/pg_ctl stop -m fast"
    RestartService ()
        if [ -x ${PGBIN}/pg_ctl ]; then
            ConsoleMessage "Restarting PostgreSQL"
            su -l ${PGUSER} -c "exec ${PREFIX}/bin/pg_ctl restart -s -m fast"
    RunService "$1"
  5. Puth the following into StartupParameters.plist:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    <string>PostgreSQL 7.4.1 Database Server</string>
    <string>PostgreSQL 7.4.1 Database</string>

You can now try and run sudo /Library/StartupItems/Postgres/Postgres start to check if it all works.

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