I have been running a weird issues on my network for the past few weeks, if not months with wireless being flaky at times. A few of the symptoms were sporadic disappearances of ReadyNAS NV+ shared NAS folders.
Then I started running onto Time Machine backup issues, i.e. Time Machine would simply refuse to see ReadyNAS backup
I’ve been trying to tweak WRT610N settings, turned AFP, NFS and CIFS protocols on/off for the backup share on ReadyNAS. Tried stopping and starting Time Machine daemons on the NAS, force mounting NAS shares, all of them. Nothing helped.
Until I turned off N network.
I now fear that these issues are stemming from a very nasty inconsistency of how WRT610N bridges the B/G and A/N adapter networks. It would seem that this bridging somehow causes issues for the NAS and for Time Machine especially. More specifically it applies to running N-network on the 5GHz band. The 2.4GHz seems to be OK, causes no issues.