What I am missing since I rolled back 4.0 on my iPhone 3G

There are a few things that I am missing since I rolled back from 4.0 to 3.1.3 iOS version on my iPhone 3G. In now apparent order of importance…

  1. Unified inbox was a great feature, much awaited and most obviously missed.
  2. Notes that sync over-the-air. It’s been a bit of a silly process to sync them via iTunes and to see them in Mail.app.  On the other hand, I’ve also moved onto Notebooks app since, may be less relevant now.
  3. “Books” section in iTunes now shows only audiobooks. This one I discovered by accident, but with iOS 4 installed on the iPhone e-book readers like Stanza appear in this section and you can manage what E-pub books that are added to iTune library should sync to it.
  4. Folders. That was a great feature, sorry to see it go (even if temporarily).

There’re also a few things that I don’t particularly miss:

  1. Spell checker: yeah, it was nice, but you could not add to its word dictionary.
  2. Glassy look of the dock: it did not add much value
  3. Photos app got a bit too complicated, was really asking for “More…” button in iTunes app fashion.

Am waiting for 4.1 to be released to see if that will allow me to use 3G more reliably and get the above back.

Posted via email from ceesaxp’s posterous

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