When Inclusion Misses the Mark The Hidden Costs of Quota-Driven Diversity

Introduction Over the past decade, I’ve seen countless organizations and initiatives with good intentions struggle to build inclusive environments. Despite adopting DEI policies and setting ambitious quotas, many of these efforts falter because they miss the essence of what real inclusion means. Ironically, some of the most vocal critics of these well-meaning initiatives are those … Read more

Colliding Worlds and Cultures

As startups grow and reach the scale-up phase, they inevitably encounter the pressure to introduce “proper governance.” This often means bringing in advisory or supervisory boards to add oversight and strategic direction. While this governance is crucial for navigating the complexities of scaling, it’s also where enterprise culture starts creeping in—and if not managed carefully, … Read more

Long time, no post

I just realised that the last time I posted anything here was 7 years ago. I also realised that this Linux instance has been running since 2015 (well, not constantly running, but the first deployment goes that far back). Since Medium (and now Substack and the likes) it has become unnecessary, even weird, to host … Read more

Biased view on iOS vs. Android

Totally biased, totally subjective: still prefer and stay with iOS, but envy some of the looks and technical features of S7 as a flagship Android device. To be more specific: I think that iOS (despite of the recent blunder with links in Safari after 9.3 update) is still so much better polished and a lot … Read more

On air travel

There is clearly no viable alternative in speed to air travel these days. Train, car, even speed boat can get you from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’, yes. And on some short distances, given existence of speed train, a plane may be merely equal to ground option. Yet in pretty much every other case it … Read more

Цены на iPad 2

Как было уже сделано для оригинального iPad-а, вот сравнения стоимости устройств в разных странах. Несколько замечаний: 1. К ценам США стоит добавить 5-9% налога с продаж. 2. Цены в европейских странах (включая Россию) несут в себе НДС порядка 15-18%. 3. Сингапур и Гон-Конг по-прежнему самые дешёвые места для покупки. Posted via email from ceesaxp’s posterous

Mac App Store impressions

Two major impressions so far: It is very slick, I am glad it is not a part of iTunes monster app. It is almost as easy as on iOS, with only one major difference: your purchases are for a device you buy it on, not for your Apple ID, like with iOS. (UPD it is … Read more

Blogging from Emacs

Being out for 10 days at the start of January helps one to relax and recharge. Adding a few more days before or after only makes it better (although totally messes up one’s sense days of week). So good it is that one can even get a bit of time to experiment. Like try and … Read more

А вот и цены на iPhone 4

В продолжение моей записи о ценах на iPad, вот выборка цен и на iPhone 4 по разным странам и с учетом недавних анонсов от российских ОпСоСов… Замечу, что медиана (ошибочно названная “Average”) заметно ниже того, что можно надеяться получить от Билайна или МТС. UPD: Разумеется, цены в США с контрактом, т.е. за залоченный телефон.

Цены на iPad

Было немного свободного времени, нарисовал небольшой график для сравнения цен на iPad в разных странах: Интересно отметить, что iPad в России стоит очень разумно (особенно делая скидку на 18% НДС, что объясняет более высокую цену в Европе в целом), чего не скажешь о его младшем (или-таки старшем?) брате — iPhone. Внимание вопрос: почему?