Konfabulator, Samurize, Dashboard and Active Desktop

Now that the heated debates about Konfabulator vs. Dashboard has become history, I’ve asked myself a very basic question: considering that ActiveDesktop on my Windows machine is rendered by MSIE (security risks notwithstanding), should it not be possible to create a webpage full of widgets without any help from Samurize? I am not looking for … Read more

Mitch Kapor’s Weblog: Chandler’s Network Architecture: Priorities Change

Mitch Kapor’s Weblog: Chandler’s Network Architecture: Priorities Change An interesting take on peer-to-peer vs. central server-based architecture for Chandler. I would be more than delighted to see Chandler mature into if not an Outlook-killer, then at least a worthy replacement (or maybe continuation) of ECCO. Whatever milestones are available for public review right now are … Read more

X.Org vs. XFree86

The moment I saw a mention on Slashdot that FreeBSD has oficially moved to X.Org X11 server I was running cvsup(1) on my port collection. A few hours later I was firing up xinit(1) to see if all was in order… and I was welcomed by a grey background and an X in the middle … Read more

Is Linux getting fat?

The Fast-Food Syndrome: The Linux Platform is Getting Fat – OSNews.com I tend to agree with much of what was mentioned in OSNews post, even though it is not a good sign 🙂 I still remember my old P100 with, ugh, 16(?) Mb and a puny 2Mb video — that thing could run much of … Read more

PostgreSQL on MacOS X

There are quite a few resources available on the ’Net about compilation and setup of PostgreSQL on a Mac OS X. This O’Reily article, and this one from Apple just to name a few. For me, where both these articles are falling short is in describing how to set Postgres to start automatically when I … Read more

Wireless today

I have joined the happy crowd of WRT54G owners just a day after a major security hole was reported in the little box that could. Needless to say, admin password was changed immediately after the router has been powered up.

Encryption support for Adium X

Encryption support request in Adium X. I have just posted the following bit to Adium X support forum: There seems to have been a lot of discussion on this in the past threads, yet it would seem that for the sake of providing something “superior” nothing is available so far. While I would agree that … Read more


I’ve just decided to give Adium X a try — had no idea about it, till I saw it in Darwin Ports listing in aqua category. It feels very solid — I’d say more so than Fire, albeit it is obviously very subjective statement. There sure seems to have been more thought put into the … Read more