Nothing to see here. I have heard of Posterous before, and since I am sort of looking around trying to see what works best for me (if I wanted to leave Blogger), for my very occasional writing… Maybe this is it? Or this could be sort of an aggregation of may other things I wrote … Read more

This war reminds my of children sandbox…

NYT reports (and Wired picks it up) that: Google is almost ready to start selling its own tablet. The device, according to the New York Times, will be “an e-reader that would function like a computer.” Now, don’t get me wrong, but I ain’t buying. Google was a great company, while it stuck to what … Read more

He just nails it

This writing was on the wall for a looooong time, ever since Apple vs. Sun feud about Java. … it is pretty easy to see why supporting other runtimes is ceding a lot of control to a 3rd party. Imagine if 10% of the apps on iPhone came from Flash. If that was the case, … Read more


MarsEdit is an awesome editor for a weblog. The only thing I wish it could do is publish converted content, i.e. allow me to write using Textile or Markdown markup, yet commit to Blogger and such HTML.

My $0.02 on iPad

First of all, I am glad that for once I had a vision 🙂 This is nothing too big, and I was not original, but I kinda-sorta thought that iPad would be a great name: it leverages off the ThinkPad name brand, it follows the suit of other “i” products (iPod, iPhone, iWork, iMac, etc.), … Read more


Apple iPad? How about a little German innovation instead … German Android device has a bigger multitouch screen and a faster CPU than the iPad. Also it runs Flash, has USB ports, an inbuilt card reader and expandable memory. Additionally it allows complete multitasking and has a webcam. Beat that baby. Then it brags on … Read more

Nexus One, iPhone, Flash

One thing I thought was a great thing about iPhone was the fact that it does not support Flash. Sure, you end up not being able to access a site or two—nothing to shed tears about. But most importantly so much of the content was moving off the flashy crap and onto H.264 and such. … Read more

(anti)Freedom fighter

New Yprk Times OpEd: Ten for the Next Ten (by Bono) A decade’s worth of music file-sharing and swiping has made clear that the people it hurts are the creators — in this case, the young, fledgling songwriters who can’t live off ticket and T-shirt sales… we know from America’s noble effort to stop child … Read more

Apple event on 26 Jan

So, everybody and their uncle are predicting the tablet. Seems like a good bet indeed. But I am sure that it won’t be (at least in some important aspects) what all are expecting. I wager that tablet will be centered around media management for your home media library (extending and expanding lethargic AppleTV) and aiming … Read more

Ecto 3 – The new Ecto

Old Ecto was constantly failing to work for me on Blogger, but Ecto 3 has improved a lot on that. But the great failure it has is that when you hit “Publish” it does not save your post first!